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가정법 연습가이드 - PART 1(if I knew, ___ + would / would have) 본문


가정법 연습가이드 - PART 1(if I knew, ___ + would / would have)

정성최 2023. 11. 26. 22:28






* If I knew, ___ + would / would have



그렇게 하지 않았을거야, 지금 내가 너를 아는 것처럼 그 때 너를 알았다면.

  - I wouldn't have done it If I knew you then like I know you now.




내가 걔 번호를 알고 있었으면 (내가) 직접 연락을 하지.

  - If I knew his number, I would call him myself.




내가 걔 번호를 알고 있었으면 (내가) 직접 연락을 했겠지.
  - If I knew her number, I would have called her myself.




그녀가 바쁜 줄 알았으면, 걔한테 연락을 안했겠지 / 안했을거야.

  - If I knew she was busy, I wouldn't have called her.




네 생일인 줄 알았으면 뭐라도 가져왔을 텐데(사왔을 텐데).

  - If I knew it was your birthday, I would have brought something.




걔가 아픈 줄 알았으면 에어컨을 안켰을텐데 / 안켰(겠)지.

 - If I knew he was sick, I wouldn't have turned on the AC.




내가 걔랑 좀 더 친했으면, 이렇게 어색하지 않을텐데.

  - If I knew her (a little) better, we wouldn't be so awkward.

  - If we knew each other (a little) better, it wouldn't be so awkward.

  - If we were closer, it wouldn't be so awkward. 
