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기초영어회화( 30살이 됐다고 멘붕이었던게 어제 같은데... 내가 벌써 37살이라니...) 본문


기초영어회화( 30살이 됐다고 멘붕이었던게 어제 같은데... 내가 벌써 37살이라니...)

정성최 2023. 11. 3. 21:02






벌써 10월인게 믿기지 않아.

  - I can't believe it's already October.




새해 계획을 세우고 있었던게 어제 같아.

  - It feels like it was only yesterday that I was making my new year plans.




내가 벌써 37살이라니.... 30살 됐다고 멘붕이었던게 어제 같은데...

  - I can't believe I'm already 37 years old. It feels like only yesterday that I was freaking out about turning 30.



* freack out : 당황하다, 너무 충격적이다. 




여기서 벌써 1년 넘게 살고 있다니... (여기로) 이사 온다고 신났던게 어제 같은데

  - I can't believe I've been living here for over a year. It feels like only yesterday that I was excited about moving in.



* move in  : ~에 이사를 (들어)가다



내가 벌써 이걸 2년 넘게 하고 있다니... 채널 이름을 생각해내려고 하고 있던게 어제 같은데...

  -  I can't believe I've been doing this for over 2 years.

     It feels like only yesterday that I was trying to come up with a name for my channel.



* come up with someting : ~을 생각해내다





